Get your startup the .com domain it deserves
Generate startup names with available .com domains. Just enter your idea.
founders found a perfect .com domain
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.com or nothing
Paul Graham (YC founder) said it best
Find your startup name and .com domain in minutes. Focus on building your startup, not stressing over names.
I used to spend hours on domain brokers searching for available .com domains. Now, I find them instantly and honestly the names are really good.
Jan-Oliver Seidenfuss
RealFakePhoto ($10k/m)
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Simple pricing
Pricing that fits your needs and helps you scale.
50% off for the next
For 20 available .com domains
$4.99 one-time
$9.9850% off
- 20 available .com domains
- Basic AI name suggestions
- Basic support
Most popular
For 50 available .com domains
$7.99 one-time
$15.9850% off
- 50 available .com domains
- Premium AI name generation
- Priority 24/7 support
For 100 available .com domains
$14.99 one-time
$29.9850% off
- 100 available .com domains
- Premium AI name generation
- Priority 24/7 support